This is going to be my story, how Cimorelli helped me get through my more harder time and how they saved my life. If you are not interested and I understand if you are not then do click away now, I wont be offended but this is something I want to share with other members of the #CimFam.

I have been incredibly close to my father throughout my life and the day he moved out killed me. I became withdrawn in school, I couldn't sit through lessons without bursting into tears. It was something that no one should ever experience. My mum became so angry with my dad she would take he anger out on me and my younger sister, always shouting being horrible and sarcastic.

During my GCSE Exams in summer 2013 a lot went on money wise with my father and I had to choose to move in with my father. This was a choice I didn't want to make, not because I didn't love my dad but because I would leave my mum and sister behind. During my time of living with my dad I would see my mum twice a week and stay over one night.
Cimorelli always tweeted telling their fans to never give up and how much their fans meant to them. This made me smile knowing that I meant something to at least someone in the world.
Throughout the month my Twitter account became bugger and bigger making me feel like I had some worth in the world. But when things started to go worse like my mother telling me she doesn't want to see me no more and my own Nan and Granddad disowning me even to this day, I gave up. I felt useless. Unneeded. No one cared about me so what did I have to loose. I was worth nothing in this world.
I spent hours and hours crying alone because of everything that had happened and one day I just stopped. I gave up. But I left with just my phone in my hand. I ran, I didn't stop. When suddenly my phone started to ring.

Cimorelli have made me so much stronger and made me become more confident around other people. If it was not for them, their inspiration tweets, humour and their music I would not be here today and I don't think they realise how much of an impact they have made on my life over the past 3 years.
It has taken a lot of confidence to write this Blog so please no hate if you do not like it, there is a lot more detail that goes into it but some of it was to hard
But honestly girls, if you are reading this...
Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren and Dani...
Thank you!
Stay Strong <3
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