Today is going to be Christina, I started with her because she is the oldest and seems to be the leader of the band work wise. But you can choose who I style next week, just read to the end to find out how!

A lot of her outfits we see are very plain and simple but with that one statement piece, this could be her shoes or a piece of jewellery. The plain outfits that we see make her look very sophisticated but still has that little hint of cute in there.

Some of the best places to shop for clothing like Christina's is Forever 21, who has an amazing basics sections. Also H&M where we know that Christina got her dress from that she wore in the Problem Music Video! As well any other shop in your area that you know have very simple but stylish basic clothing.

Christina never really does much with her hair, but this isn't a bad thing. Her natural hair keeps the look very basic again but it doesn't look too much. Having hair like Christina is just as easy as washing your hair blow-drying it straight and leaving it completely.
There you go that is how you style your outfit to look like the one and only Christina Cimorelli! Now there are 5 sisters left for me to create a style guide for. For you to pick who I Style Guide next week then just CLICK HERE and tweet with the #CimorelliStyleGuide and who you want me to do next Sunday! I will be choosing the next sister who has the most votes the evening before, so make sure you get you votes in to get the sister you want next week!!
Stay Strong <3
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