The video shows each of the sisters liking a different boy who they have invited to a house party. Each verse shows two different sisters like two boys that are around them but these boys don’t take any notice. Although the girls are heartbroken their four other sisters take it upon themselves to get their own back and standing up for their sisters.

Although no one in the video is physically hurt each sister finds a funny way to torture the boy for letting their sisters down, such as pushing them in the pool, or taking their gaming controller away. It shows that you can get your own back without harming anyone in any way.
Throughout the song the girl is described as ‘crazy’ ‘emotional’ and ‘unstable’ by the boys friends which is why the boy tends to ignore one of the sisters. But no matter what I said or what happens the sisters are always going to be there for each other through thick and thin.
At the end of the video we see all the sisters having fun together with not a boy in sight. This shows that you can have fun without boys and not have to worry about what happens between you and a boy because no matter what there will always be someone there for you.
To watch the video for the All My Friends Say music video check the link below.
What did you think of the music video, let me know in the comments of tweet me on Twitter. I hope you enjoy the music video and never let a boy get to your head because friends are always there and you will always have a lot more fun with your friends than a boy who doesn’t even bother with you.
Stay Strong <3
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