I know I haven't posted quite some time but trust me when I say I have been so busy I haven't even had time to turn on a computer. The last two weeks of Cimorellis Europe have been very hectic! It started with me planning to go the London to meet the girls at Gatwick airport when they arrived in London, this happened about a week before they arrived, from then on it was planning the travel as I was meeting another fan Emma. But I wont go into to much detail now.

The upcoming week to when Cimorelli where arriving in London I was planning gifts, getting times sorted and figuring out what I was going to wear. On top of all this I was completing homework, coursework and preparing for exams in college. Since Friday every single night I have been busy and had something to do.

Saturday I had my best friends 18th Party and spent the day with her and then getting ready to go out in the evening. The Sunday I spent in work (very tired may I say). Then on the Monday I was babysitting until 9pm, the Tuesday I was running my local Brownie group. Wednesday I was seeing my dad which I have barley done the past few weeks. Thursday I was up to my eyes in baking as there was a bake sale in College to raise money for Charity.

Of course through all this I was going coursework too so I have barley had any time for myself. Now its Friday and this CRAZY two weeks are over I now plan to get back up to date with my blog and add the last few tour posts onto the page.
Plan of action: as I do have a fair few blogs to write and post, I plan to get at least one posted each day but personally I would like to post one in the AM and one in the PM so you are getting two posts a day until there is enough to say I am up to date.
I really apologise for falling behind and I should be up to date for the future!
Stay Strong <3
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