Thursday, 9 April 2015

Cimorelli With Fans On Tour!

While Cimorelli where on tour they met thousands of fans. We all know what this meant, selfies! Over the month that the girls where on tour Twitter was constantly blowing up with photos of Cimorelli with fans in many different places. Some travelled to the airport to hopefully get the chance to meet them arriving in their county, others where just lucky enough to meet them in the street, others chose the easy option and bought a VIP ticket to the show.

I thought that I would dedicate this blog post to all those wonderful photos of fans with the girls. So here we go!

@Kathi_Cimorelli (Twitter)



@SophieCim (Twitter)



@missamyzara (Twitter) 

@SarahNormi1992 (Twitter) 




@Deepcim (Twitter) 

@musicofcm (Twitter) 

@Cimorelliworldx (Twitter) 


@cimcabeyo (Twitter) 



@LisaCimorellibf  (Twitter) 




@Jc1ellie (Twitter)


@ACimorelliFan (Me) (Twitter) 


I only own my photos on this blog, I have permission to use other photos that I have added onto the blog! If you have met Cimorelli in Europe and would like to feature in this blog then send your photos to my Twitter (Link above) and I will get them added in as soon as I can! Hope you all enjoyed the tour! 

Stay Strong <3

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