Monday 5 January 2015

Cimorelli 2014 - Looking Back

We know that 2014 has been an incredible year for Cimorelli. These sisters achieved some INCREDIBLE things in the past year! Some of these things where releasing two brand new EP's one of them Renegade with four brand new songs, and their Christmas Magic EP which they released at the end of November. This blog post will look at some of the most memorable things that happened for Cimorelli in the past year.

Cimorelli started 2014 by teaming up with Subway and creating their very own TV commercial with the company. This commercial was shown all over the USA and even in other countries around the world! This was the start of something big with Cimorelli and Subway!

Following this was Cimorelli performing at DigiFest in NYC, Minnestoa, Toront
o and even the UK! This was the first time Cimorelli had left America and it was to visit London, England to perform at DigiFest UK! They got to meet hundreds of fans and even perform some of their brand new singles such as; That Girl Should Be Me, Come Over and All My Friends Say.

Then came Summer With Cimorelli, the comedy summer series that Cimorelli filmed with Awesomeness TV. Not only did this series include 5 short episodes that where uploaded once a week, Cimorelli also filmed many different backstage interviews including; Life on Set, Styling With Cimorelli and 10 Things About Cimorelli!

As well as meeting hundreds of fans Cimorelli had the honour of performing in the half time of the Miami Dolphins game where they perform their brand new song I Got You! Following this Cimorelli visited Spain for the first time ever as they where invited to perform at the Coco Cola Music Experience along some huge artists such as Union J and the Vamps! As well as this Cimorelli where also greeted by hundreds of fans at the airport who sang their songs and greeted them with a smile into Spain!

Cimorelli started to visit more countries around the world and Germany was on of them where Cimorelli were able to perform for their US Armed Forces! But as well as this Cimorelli got to meet thousands of fans as a small Subway store and no way where they prepared for how many fans showed up at the meet and greet!

As well as partnering up with Subway to film a commercial, Cimorelli also partnered up with DohVinci who used their song What I Do in the background of their new advert which was advertised all over the world! Also Cimorelli partnered with Twister who featured Cimorelli song Come Over in their new game 'Twister Dance' and also in the advert with was also advertised all over the world!

One of their biggest achievements was releasing their hit EP, Renegade. This EP was something that the girls had been working on all throughout the year! Fans had heard many of these songs at different performances throughout the year but one song that many fans had been waiting for for over a year was Renegade which was the big one! Not only had Cimorelli released their brand new EP onto iTunes they also had a music video and a lyrics video which they would release for the fans each week! Fair to say they worked hard for that month!

Later that month Cimorelli had a small Radio Tour with Rocket 21 called 'Treat and Greet' where fans would turn up to certain locations around the US and they would get to meet Cimorelli, get a small treat which would be cupcakes and sweets then get to see Cimorelli perform some of their songs from the Renegade EP!

As well as releasing their Renegade EP, the following month Cimorelli released their Christmas EP called Christmas Magic, this had 5 small covers of different Christmas songs that each sister liked and this song was sung in acapella which must have taken a lot of time.

Cimorelli's final huge announcement announcement for 2014 was that they where touring around Europe in March 2015! Tickets have already been released for Germany, Portugal and Switzerland. Fans are waiting for their country to have tickets released!

Cimorelli have taken some huge steps through 2014 but while all this was happening not only have these six incredible girls still managed to upload their usual covers such as Lips Are Movin, Steal My Girl and Classic, they have also managed to create some amazing collaborations with artists such as Tyler Ward and The Vamps. As well as upload do it yourself videos, make-up tutorials, what to do when you're bored and get to know Cimorelli.

They still were not done, you think that Cimorelli would not even be able to fit in social time while doing so many incredible things to improve their career, but no! Throughout this Cimorelli even managed to support some causes that meant a lot to them. Some causes that they supported were, I Can Be Society who encourage teenagers to be who they want to be no matter what anyone tells them! Also they supported The Salvation Army who use the money that they make to help bring up those who have been involved in alcohol and drugs previously. They also supported a Don't Text and Drive campaign to help reduce the number of accidents caused on the road by texting while driving.

I think we can all say that this has been an incredible year for Cimorelli and I am happy to say that I am so proud of what they have achieved and I am sure that they have a lot more to come in the upcoming year! What was your favourite Cimorelli moment for 2014? Let me know in the comments below or tweet me here.

I hope that you all enjoyed this blog post, I know it was long but Cimorelli achieved a lot and I couldn't miss anything out! Happy New Year to you all and I hope you have the year that you want it to be!

Stay Strong <3

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