So it was 3:40 pm when we got in the sound check and we waited for them for around 15 minutes, but they chose to tell us to go to the "room" because they had already done the sound check and they wanted to spend more time with us. We went to the "room" and we asked some question they are so funny. Especially Dani, she was always doing funny faces.
They talked multiple times about Portuguese food, then we lined up to meet them and they were all so sweet to everybody and were always smiling. They where so cute and Amy looked like a fairy! Dani is taller in real like and her hair is so beautiful! So it was my turn to meet them and I was so nervous, I first hugged Amy she's so short.
I gave them my poster to sign, I hugged Dani then Christina, she gave the best hug ever, seriously she hugged me so tight! Dani asked my name and then Lauren hugged me so tight too and said "HIIIII NICE TO MEET YOU ANA". She's so cute, then it was Kath and she was so sweet and tall too, she was always smiling to me! Then it was Lisa, she gives the best hugs too, I hugged her and then told her my username on twitter because sometimes I talk with her and she knew who I was going so I said " my username on twitter is snapbackli...". She didn't even let me finish, she yelled 'YASSS nice to meet you! Cool!' She is so nice!
Then they gave me my poster and I left, I was with my friends (mafalda and bia) and we started talking with Lynne, we said the girls mean so much to us and that they saved us and we're so proud. She hugged us and she was almost crying (like me). She's so nice seriously, then I took a selfie with her and they had to leave.

I asked Lauren for a quick selfie and then I said "I love you so much" and she said " MOREEE " with the biggest smile on her face, I tried to take a selfie with Lisa but there was lots of people trying to, so I walked to one of the sides of the sofa they had and I asked Kath for a selfie she said "yesss real quick" and then she gave me a real quick hug she's so nice, they left and so did we. We were just hanging out with some cimfans (there were Portuguese, Spanish and Italian cimfans) and it was so nice to meet new people!!!

Then people that didn't have the m&g started entering and I met two internet friends! We lined up again and sat down in our seats and waited for the show to start. It was so incredible, they started with Made In America , it was so good and Lauren's Rap live was incredible! Then they sang many more songs but I'm going to tell you guys about the new songs because they got so emotional and so did we.
The songs are so beautiful, they all cried during Good Enough it was so hard so see them crying, but it wasn't the only one. They basically cried in every new song except Fall Back, then it was Wings, they sat down in front of us singing and Christina said "this song is for you guys" and I started crying SO HARD. Amy was right in front of me and during they song she told me like 3 times "don't cry!" She's so sweet.

I miss them so much I don't know what else to say, they mean the world to me and that night was the best ever. They made us feel so good and Lauren said " I love you guys more than free wifi " she is so cute. I hope one day you all have the chance to meet them, and never give up because I never thought this would happen so fast I'm so proud of them.
Ana's Twitter: Click Here
Stay Strong <3
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