
Saturday, 7 March 2015

Cimorelli Tour - Show 2: Lisbon Portugal

Raquel, who is part of the CimFam kindly wrote about her experience meting Cimorelli in Braga, Portugal at their first show in Portugal!

I arrived there at 3.00pm I wanted to arrive early because I wanted to be one of the first to meet them. Their Dad passed by us and we just could not stop saying hello! When the doors opened at 4.00pm we were so excited but we had to wait for a few minutes, while we were waiting their Dad passed by us again and the same thing happened! When it was my turn to meet them, I was so nervous, but they made it pretty simple and they are so nice. After that the fans had to wait in a room, we didn't know for what but then they just came out for a Q&A. 

While it was happening I saw their parents and I asked for a picture. There they sang Delaney and Party In The USA! I asked if they could describe their Portuguese fans with only one word and they said we were perfect (and Dani described us as "Portuguese"). We got a poster and a t-shirt from their merchandise. After that we went to the place where the concert was going to be, and my friends and I met a lot of cimfams. When the concert started I started crying until it end. Dani, Lisa and Kath cried to and they looked at me because I was also crying. At the end of You're Worth It we hold papers saying "Obrigada" that means "Thank you" in Portuguese!

That was my journey meeting Cimorelli, the best day of my life! 

Stay Strong <3

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