
Friday, 22 May 2015

Cimorelli Livestream - 21/05/2015

Finally after a week of waiting Cimorelli finally went live around the world at 10pm, UK time. After a bit of trouble getting it started, first with the power going out in their home, which meant no Internet and no electricity, then the original site USTREAM not working for them, Cimorelli finally got sorted on a Google Hangout. This was better as people who slept through the livestream would get to see the livestream on YouTube the next day because when they where finished the video would be uploaded to YouTube.

In this livestream Christina took the lead in saying what she though about the music industry, although many of  the girls did not get a say in I do think that this is something they all agree with as a band and Christina has the strongest opinion on the topic,

They continued on to tell us things that some bands wouldn't even dare to say to their own family, honestly I agreed with every word that was said during the livestream and it was something that these girls really did need to get of their chest. They even spoke about delicate topics such as fans saying hurtful things, most celebrities wouldn't want to loose their fanbase and would never dare say anything bad.

But it is all true, there are people online who are fans of the girls who still criticise little things the girls do because they are not reforming to the industry and following there rules. But Cimorelli had a point, who are you to judge, it's their option not yours.

I am glad that the girls got to be so open with us and tell us everything that was on their mind because I think it was something that needed to be said and who else was going to do it? They explained why they don't do certain things like go to events and appear at shows and it really allowed us to get to know these sisters a whole lot more.

I as a fan have always been supportive of what they do and who am I to step in and stop them, if I had a different opinion about something they where doing I would never dream of tweeting them or DMing them because I know that it was their choice so obviously it was something they must be happy with.

Cimorelli really opened up thousands of eyes to how the music industry works and I think that this small livestream is going to spread like wildfire with not just fans reacting and agreeing but other upcoming artists who realise that they do not want to follow the way of the music industry. Something small can make a big impact if you work hard enough.

Now lets get onto the exciting part of the livestream. NEW MUSIC! Yes Cimorelli have announced that sometime in the next week they will be uploading a mix-tape, Hearts On Fire, to the Internet with 9 brand new original songs on. For those who don't know what a mix-tape is, it is something that you can download FOR FREE online anywhere around the world.

Yes you heard correct FREE. The date has not confirmed as Christina is working incredible hard to get all the last bits finalised but I am sure as soon as the mix-tape is released (with artwork) they will be tweeting about it! So make sure to follow them on Twitter: @CimorelliBand

I could tell you so much more about this livestream in detail but that would take too long, luckily the livestream is available on YouTube and if you have a couple of hours to spare then do sit down and listen to what they have to say because it really is worth listening to.

Are you excited for Cimorellis new mix-tape? What songs do you want to be on there? They gave hints of new songs such as Hearts On Fire but also gave us a preview of I'm A Mess which they performed on tour. When the mix-tape is released I will have a full review of each of the songs on my blog as soon as I can!

Stay Strong <3

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