
Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Cimorelli: Things Girls Do When They Like A Guy

Instead of the typical and usually expected cover, this week Cimorelli uploaded a very different video that I did not expect to see. This type of video is something that would come from a Beauty Guru on YouTube not a girl band, so it's different but that is not bad at all.

So Cimorelli's latest video was Things Girls Do When They Like A Guy. Now this was more of a comedy sketch than a serious video and I think that it was a nice break from being seen as girls that only sing. It let's the sisters show themselves in a different light that hasn't really be seen before.

Now a lot of the time Cimorelli post on Twitter their feelings when they like a boy or see a cute boy in the street, but those feelings can only be taken in a specific way because it is just words on a screen but now seeing them react on screen takes this to a whole new level.

Personally I think that this was taken a little over the top with the reactions but as it was only a comedy sketch that is okay because the more outgoing and over the top the better, it makes people laugh and I think that is what their goal was here. This is not how I act when I like a boy and if I see someone cute in public then yes okay I go a bit shy and awkward but that is it.

Now that is me personally and I know that a lot of people on Twitter did relate to a lot of the video and this was the way that they acted around a boy, so that is okay. I think that this video was a great way for Cimorelli to show a bit more of their personality and bond with their audience a bit more. Like they are saying 'we are not robots we have feelings to and we can act like idiots around boys as well as you'. 

If you haven't yet seen Cimorelli's new video then you can watch it below:

I promise you it will not fail to make you laugh! Before I end this blog I just wanted to say I posted on Twitter a few days ago that I was thinking of sending hand written letters to fans around the world for a bit of fun, and I have an overwhelming response. So to the side of this post in the menu bar you can see a page that says 'Hand Written Letters' here you can fill out a form for me to send you a personal letter!
Stay Strong <3

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