
Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Cimorelli & The Gardiner: Burning House - Cover Review

So, I don't know about you but I have watched The Gardiner Sisters for a long time now. I went through a stage of loving girl bands and they a long with Cimorelli fell into my subscription boxes. I always wondered what it would be like to see both bands doing a cover but always thought it would be to many girls and the pitch would be to high.

But I was proven wrong when today on The Gardiner Sisters YouTube account the sisters uploaded a video with Cimorelli, which had been filmed in their new house. What I expected was the three older sisters and then Cimorelli for the cover. but instead The Gardiner Sisters included their two younger sisters who had appeared in previous covers before.

Again the song that was covered was not one that I had head of before so I feel that I didn't enjoy the song as much as I would of liked to, but that did not stop me enjoying the cover as a whole. One thing that shocked my was how they managed to fit 11 girls onto one screen and how long it much have taken them to practice the whole thing.

I feel that the cover went really well and the two bands sung incredibly together as a whole, one thing I would have liked to have seen was the bands mixing a little bit more. I noticed that when the bands sung, they would sing in their own bands and rarely mix together as a whole group. What I think would have made this cover even better would be if a sister from each band sung one part, just to mix things up.

What I thought was great was seeing all the girls get a long so well together even though they are so alike with both being sister girl bands from YouTube, they manage to put that behind them and get a long really well!

This was great promotion for both bands as the Gardiner Sisters will have a lot of fans of Cimorelli come to their channel and a lot of the Gardiner Sisters fans will now venture on to see what Cimorelli are like. If you would like to watch the cover of Burning House by Cam, then click below:

Now I can't be the only one thinking that there can't be a cover on the Gardiner Sisters channel without one on Cimorellis channel. Do you think that Cimorelli will upload a cover from the two bands collaboration and if so what song do you think it will be?

At the end of the video both bands announced that they where both going on tours around the USA, Cimorelli being a Hearts On Fire tour and The Gardiner Sisters being an acoustic tour. For more information about either tour then follow the links below.

Cimorelli Tour;

The Gardiner Sisters Tour:

Would you like to see Cimorelli and The Gardiner Sisters perform together again? If so, what song would you like to see them sing? Let me know in the comments!

Stay Strong <3

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