
Sunday, 1 November 2015

Cimorelli - Live Forever and I Am Invincible Mash - Uup Review

Good day CimFam, I am currently writing to you in my final hour of work on a Friday afternoon, the reason this is, is because I have not uploaded a blog post in almost three weeks! I am so sorry for this but trust me I have my reasons! Two Sunday ago I felt there was nothing to blog about as tour was going on and no one wanted to write about their experiences seeing the girls in concert for my blog, so I though that I would give that week a miss.

Last Sunday I did have a blog post planned but not written, because I was spending the weekend in Brighton UK seeing on of my closest CimFam friends I did not find time to bog as on the Sunday it took me 6 hours to get home and I did not get home till about 6pm! But finally, Cimorelli have uploaded a new cover and here we are ready for another review. The reason I am writing this in work is because I am away this weekend (again) with my family, but I did not want to miss a third week of blogging.

This cover brought another mash-up! The second one this month! And again I did not have a clue of either the songs, now wither I am getting too old to keep up with the current music out there of these girls are probably just a heck of a lot cooler than me. Thinking about it now, probably both these reasons are true.

As always I did not find the song appealing at first because I have never heard either song and could not appreciate the mash-up as much as I would have if I knew the songs, but like every other time after I had listened to the cover multiple times I was to soon fall in love and become obsessed with the cover.

Live Forever by Band Perry and I Am Invincible by Cassadee Pope where the two songs that Cimorelli merged together to create this amazing mash-up, a couple of weeks ago Cimorelli uploaded snapchats onto their band account ItsCimorelli with small previews of them filming this cover in the woods. The music video included very Tumblr rope swings and railway tracks in the middle of nowhere. Weird but it worked really well.

The two songs worked very well to be merged into one and to me it sounded like it could have been produced as an individual song instead of two! But obviously as I have never heard the songs of course this is what I am going to think!

I feel that this cover was mainly Lauren's voice as this was all I heard throughout the chorus, of course all the sisters got involved in the chorus but I feel that Lauren's voice was the main focus therefor drowning out the other sisters a little. I don't see this in a bad way at all because Lauren has a beautiful voice.

One thing that I loved in this cover was that Christina got a main solo on one of the most deep parts, normally these are given to Lisa, Dani or Lauren but it was nice to see Christina show the full potential in her voice as she has such an incredible voice!

Of course Lisa hit's the high notes like a pro towards the end. I don't think I could see anyone pull of the high notes as much as she does! Which is probably the reason she always losses her voice on tour, because she works it so hard!

If you have not seen the cover yet then you can watch it below:

Sorry I have really been slacking lately with my bloging but I am trying my best to keep up with it! Please bare with me!

Stay Strong <3

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