Hey CimFam, hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year! I know that I am posting this incredibly late as we are already half way through January, honestly I am not going to apologise for that because I feel that I deserved a well earned break!
After a very busy year of writing reviews and other things for Cimorelli, I started to lose all motivation about half way through November. This was because work was starting to get tough and the cold weather just made me want to do nothing at all. But I forced myself to write reviews and missed a few weeks of posts.

I decided to try Cim's Countdown To Christmas hoping that it would get me back into the excitement of blogging again, and as you all know I gave up about half way through. It got to a point were I would rather upload no posts at all and come back in a few weeks with a new start, than force myself to upload blog posts that I genuinely did not want to write and knew would not be as good as what my previous posts had been.
So I decided to just leave blogging and wait and see how long it would take me to get back into it. Honestly it was nice having a break and not having to worry about getting posts up on time and panicking about when I was going to have time to write them. But over the past few days I have really been wanting to write a blog post and get back into the swing of things.

Having a break has been wonderful, and I have even taken a small break from Twitter, with not posting very regularly and going as much as 5 days without posting a tweet or interacting with anyone on there. I didn't really want to post anything about me taking a break because I didn't want to be seen as 'attention seeking'. So I just turned off my Twitter notification and logged out of my blog and just left it all.
I found that I had a really great Christmas and New Year with my family and friends and I am very happy that I took the time away from the internet to spend that time with them. But from now on I am back to (hopefully) post regularly every Sunday, starting from tomorrow (17th Jan) and I cannot wait to get some blog posts written and up for you!
Stay Strong <3
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