Monday 20 January 2014

Cimorelli - Let it Go - Cover Review

So I have been waiting so long for this cover of 'Let It Go' from the girls ever since I went to see the film Frozen in the cinema! I took an instant loving to the song and thought that the girls voices would be perfect for the song! When I saw the link to their video on Facebook I got so excited I ran to my room and turned YouTube on and of course, I was not disappointed!

I am glad that these girls did an acoustic version of the song, I know that a lot of their songs have been recorded with the song in the background but this one was only their voices and of course Amy's guitar. I was so please with the spin they took to the song as it was their own and it could have gone one way or the other, but the twist was great and something different.

They all had the best parts for their voices in this song, each girls sung a verse each and then usually worked together to work on the chorus. What I was looking forward to the most was the two main powerful notes. I did expect Lisa so sing both of them as she has such a powerful voice but when Lauren sung one I have to say I was impressed. In the past view videos I think she has come out of her shell with her song but I think this cover really did show the viewers what her voice can actually do.

As usual the other high note was sung by Lisa and again she didn't fail to impress. Her long notes are something that I do always look forward to in their covers. Her voice is so powerful it really does put that kick into the song. Again Amy with her guitar is something so talented how she can play the whole song on her guitar without a fail and still sing the notes she has to! This is pure talent as it is hard to focus on two things at once, especially in front of a camera, and I know that they must be used it by now but it still would be hard.

Dani, Christina and Katherine where brilliant too. Dani's opening verse was great as it normally is one of the lower verse's in the song, now I am not saying anything bad against Dani's low voice at all! Trust me, I think that her lower voice is something so unique and it really does sound great in with the song!

Overall this cover really did put me in a good mood as they haven't uploaded a cover in a while and I did miss the bloopers but today I got to sit and watch them goof around and just have a fun time and it reminded me how much they are just like any of us. They don't act for the camera. They be who they are and they don't care what people think!

Hope you enjoyed my blog, this was one that I have really been looking forward to writing! Thank you for reading, please don't hesitate to leave a comment if you want me to review any of the older videos that they uploaded before I started my blog. I will be happy to review them all!

Stay Strong <3 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice review