It seems like only days since the girls uploaded their last cover, I am not even joking it feels like there has been no waiting around with no new cover to watch. But I did not expect this cover only because I had never heard the song before because I don't keep up with her songs so hearing the song for the first time coming from them amazed me! The song wasn't the slowest and I did feel like it was a short cover but it was amazing.

The girls voices sounded incredible, because the song was so slow it really did show of the power they have in their voices! But I really do enjoy their fun bubbly songs, they just put me in a good mood and make me feel ready for summer. I am not saying that I don't like it when they cover slow songs because I love them!

I loved what everyone was wearing as well, it just looked so nice and summery. I don't know why but I cannot get use to Dani being on the back row! She is so tall now! Sorry this hasn't been a long review but I have been putting all my time into this fanbook that I have been making for Cimorelli, and I am giving it to them on Sunday at the VIP meet and greet at Digi Fest! So I have had no time at all to do a full blog.
But to make up for that I will be uploading a blog about the finished fanbook in just two days, so do make sure to keep an eye out for that as you will be able to see the full fan book! Thanks for reading!
Stay Strong <3
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