This fan book was full to the brim with over 500 tweets of all different fan accounts and more than 100 different fan pics that has been made by the CimFam for Cimorelli! I even decided to put as many accounts in there as possible so the two covers (one at the front and one at the back) are covered in twitter account! Also there are over 4 pages full of written names that I have been collecting over the few weeks!

I spent hours sat cutting out hundreds of tweets and photos, also writing and drawing in the fanbook! I also spent time collecting the tweets and cutting them down to the right size on my computer, also making sure I did not miss out any accounts that wanted to be featured in the fanbook! The long hours of hand killing slicing and staring at a computer screen was worth it when I took a final look at the finished product and I thought, wow I made that!
I will be giving the book to Cimorelli on Sunday the 4th of May and they will hopefully keep it forever! But I know that a lot of you wanted to see the final product and I knew that would be hard to do with photos, so because there is over 100 different pages in this book I decided to film me going through the book slowly so you can have the chance to see the different pages and even some of your own artwork that has been put into the book!
The video has been uploaded to YouTube and the link will be on my Twitter, but I made this easier for you! Below you will be able to view the video just click the link to be taken to the YouTube video!

I hope that you all enjoy the book! I do have something else to ask, do you want me to vlog my DigiFest experience? Kind of like a Vlog, when I meet Cimorelli and all the other YouTubers? My friend thinks its a good idea but I am unsure. Let me know what you think!
Stay Strong <3
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