Monday 9 February 2015

Cimorelli 2015 Tour Guide

This blog post is going to be somewhat different to what I normally do, many fans in Europe and America will be meeting or seeing Cimorelli in the upcoming months. For many this is a brand new experience and will not know what to expect, as I didn't when I met Cimorelli in London. So in today's blog I am going to be giving you the ultimate guide on meeting or seeing Cimorelli on tour, giving you hints, tips and ideas on what to take, how to act and what to expect.

What to wear?
Planning your outfit is one of the most important things you need to think about the evening before the concert, whether you are meeting Cimorelli or not. Of course you need something comfortable but cute, its concert so you want to avoid anything tight or thick as it will get warm and you will be jumping around with hundreds of other fans.

For those lucky enough to be meeting the girls you want your outfit to look on point for your group photo and a bonus if one of the girls compliments you on your appearance! Many fans wear merchandise from Cimorelli official store when meeting the girls but don't worry if you don't have anything or don't want to wear merchandise, it isn't mandatory.

If you are not meeting the girls but have general admission tickets then you want to ensure that you are in something that is comfortable but also cool. If you are planning on getting to the venue early to queue outside hours before the concert starts you want something that will keep your warm and comfortable while sitting on the ground but can also look adorable, because trust me even though you are not meeting the fans you are going to make tons of friends who are also queuing and will definitely want selfies with you! So you don't want to turn up in your sweats. Unless that is what you prefer, if so then go ahead!

You want to make sure that you have something appropriate on your feel that is comfortable and will keep your feet happy through many hours of jumping and dancing. Also, many fans will be girls and will need a bag, your best option for a bag is a small backpack or a small side bag that can go over your shoulder so your know that all your belongings are safe and you can enjoy yourself with ease.

What to take?
One thing you will need and you wont get in without if of course your ticket, I know if sounds stupid but it happens a lot more than you think, I have repeatedly had to go back home to collect tickets that me or my friend has left at home to make sure that you keep it in a safe place. You want to document your whole experience right? Well the most important is your phone, or something you can take photos and videos of your experience on.

Sometimes an iPhone will work better than a camera as the camera quality is normally better and also quicker to open up if a cute family moment is happening on stage that you don't to miss! But if you do plan to use your phone for photos, video, voice memo's then be sure you have a portable charger or some way to charge your phone before you go in. This is most important for those who plan to get to the venue a few hours before, I know what its like, the temptation to sit on Twitter and tweet about how excited you are then next thing you know the doors have opened and your phone is on 25%.

Portable phone chargers are easy and cheap to get online and can give your phone an extra 100%-200% charge, so don't be that person that has to save all there concert photos from Twitter because you couldn't take any.

If you are meeting the girls and you want something to be signed, or have any gifts or letters for the girls you need to make sure you grab them before you go, otherwise you will spend the next 2 months staring at that item you wish you never forgot feeling sorry for yourself.

Other items you might want to take will be a drink or something to eat, although most venues wont allow you to take food or liquids onto their premisses, you will feel a lot better going in hydrated and on a full stomach. Deodorant is always handy to have, for girls and boys, it doesn't matter who you are, when you get into that arena you will sweat so much and no one wants to smell bad when they come out. Imagine if Cimorelli came onto the stage and they are greeted by this horrid smell, that isn't something they want.

You can take anything you feel is necessary so a concert but don't over do it as you don't want to be carrying this huge bag around with you all evening with things you know you are not going to use.

What to expect?
When meeting Cimorelli, if you have't met them before then you wont have any idea what to expect, this is going to be a completely new experience for you. These six sisters are going to be completely normal human beings, so as much as you may want to, don't freak out while meeting them, these girls know that you adore them and I am sure you can tell them how much you love them without crying and breaking down when you see them. Yes, it is completely fine to do that afterwards but don't mess up the time you get with them because it isn't for long and will be over like that!

Think of what you are going to say to these girls, will you tell them how much you love them, what you love about them, how long you have been a fan or all of the above.These girls want to get to know you so make sure you tell them all you can in the time that you have! Do not freeze up and not say anything, coming from me who forgot everything and couldn't even introduce myself to them, DON'T DO IT! You will regret it to this very day! It has been almost a year since I met them as I still lay awake at night thinking of things I could have said to them.

Don't be afraid or embarrassed, if you want to tell them something, do it, don't hold back. Most importantly if you have a Cimorelli Fan account on Twitter that you regularly use to tweet and DM each sister then tell them. Trust me nothing will make them smile more than being able to put a name and face to an account that they know have supported them throughout their years of being a band.

If you are not meeting Cimorelli and just going to the concert then be prepared to dance and sing till you can't move no more. Also as much as you think you wont cry when you see these 6 sisters run on stage, there is a high chance you will, but they will be tears of joy so just embrace them and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about how you look because I assure you there will be hundreds of fans around you wit mascara down their faces, no on will care.

This is just a small bit of information for fans that are meeting the girls and what to give them gifts and presents to take with them. Remember, if you want to give them a gift, keep it small, these girls are travelling around Europe for a month going to many different stops, each item they receive will have to go with them onto each next country. Be considerate on what you give, we all know that these girls will be completely happy just meeting you and will be over the moon with a personal letter.

Do's and Don'ts 
When you attend the Cimorelli concert in your area do:
- enjoy yourself
- make friends
- remember everything
- take loads of photos
- be happy for everyone

When you attend the Cimorelli concert in your area don't:
- make fun of those who are not wearing merchandise
- make a huge sign because those behind you wont be able to see
- rub it in someone's face if they don't have VIP
- push the queue or thing you are better than fans
- post a photo on twitter without the other fans permission

Make sure that you have fun when you are at a Cimorelli concert and be sure to ensure that everyone around you is having the best time they can be. This is going to be an incredible experience for many fans so be sure to show your love by singing your heart out and supporting Cimorelli all the way!

Stay Strong <3

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