I have never really been a big cryer when it comes to media,
(apart from when Poussey dies in Orange Is the New Black, or when Gus told
Hazel that he had Cancer in the Fault In Our Stars, or when the Tsunami his in
The Impossible), a media product has to really get to me before I even think
about shedding a tear. This can be through good editing, the music used or the
storyline. But in Cimorellis latest music video I cried for none of the reasons
stated above. The reason I cried whilst watching this music video was because
the song, and video is a really tough experience that I went through a few
years ago. So as you can imagine, I balled my eyes out.
If you haven’t guessed it already I am talking about the
release of Cimorelli’s incredible new music video for Good Enough. This heart
wrenching new video shows all of the Cimorelli sisters in their most vulnerable
state, there are no jokes, no fun scenes, just pure tears. As of today, the
video for Good Enough as one of the most tear jerking music videos, therefor
pushing back Worth It.
For those of you who haven’t heard
Good Enough (have you been living under a rock?) the song describes the love,
pain and emotion you go through when dealing with family trauma and/or divorce.
Words like ‘drowning’ and ’broken’ are used to describe how they
feel, but also the household is described as a ‘warzone’ and how their life is a ‘battle’.
If you haven’t already listened to
good enough then I really suggest you do and you will realise why this is
getting to so many fans.
The music video shows Cimorelli
struggling to keep themselves together doing normal tasks, which shows how,
when events happen they can effect what you are doing in your everyday life and
how hard it is to hide what you’re going through.
Throughout the music video we do
not see one single shot of the six sisters all together which indicates that no
matter how much you suffer you do not feel like anyone is there for you or
understands you. One of the lyrics in the song ‘I’ve spent my life trying to hide all of my weakness from everyone’ which
I can speak from experience is often done when suffering as you don’t want to
let your walls down, you put up a front in public, when your friends can see
you, your family, your teachers at school. But once you’re alone, there is
nothing stopping you, I also feel that this is due to being alone and having no
distractions you can often overthink and work yourself up.
Towards the end of the music
video, we see all the girls sat alone in a bathroom, on the floor. Most of the
scenes they are balling their eyes out and the tears are running down their
face. Which is a truthful part of family tragedy, a bathroom was often the only
place you could let yourself go and release all the pain inside of you.
Everywhere else there was people about of there was a chance someone finding
you, again from personal experience I would often sit in the school bathroom at
lunch and cry for a good 30 minutes before cleaning myself up and going to my
next class. If I am being completely honest with you, I still do it now and 19
years of age when I am working full time.
What I love about this video is
that Cimorelli are showing the truth or the situation, there is no sugar
coating anything. This not only shows people going through this situation that
they are not alone and that other people are going through what they are, it also
shows people that know someone going through a hard time the truth of what goes
on behind closed doors which can allow them to be more delicate around that topic.
You can watch the music video below:
Overall I found that this music
video had an incredible truth to it and it was something that many other
artists would be scared to do. Letting down their barriers and showing fans
that it’s okay to not be okay and it can happen to the best of people is
definitely something that many young girls need to see. Especially when going
through their harder times, just a little message from their favourite band
that they’re not alone can be all that a young girl needs to get through the
I am proud of Cimorelli for
posting such an open, unique video about a very delicate topic. They are not
Stay Strong <3
Latest Blog Post:
Cimorelli VIP Platinum Tour Tickets
Thursday 28th July 2016
So yesterday Cimorelli released news of more tickets being released for their European tour. Now these where no normal ticket, these are Platinum VIP Tickets, and there are only 10 available for each venue. If you had already bought VIP tickets for any of the concerts then you may have already had an email about the Platinum Tickets and having the option to buy a ticket earlier for a discounted cost on top of your VIP Tickets. I know for the London UK show this happened as the ticket supplier Ticket Master emailed me the morning before with the chance to buy early and have a set amount taken off my price....
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