Cimorelli released this cover for a member of the #CimFam called Christine, who is suffering from gastroparesis, which is an incurable disease that slows or stops the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine. Because of this disease it's hard for Christine to consume any food without feeling severe pain or nausea, leaving her malnourished and very underweight.
She was given a feeding tube that runs from her arm to her heart and provides her with the calories and vitamins her body needs. However, the medication and operation she needs to fully overcome this disease are very expensive and not covered by her insurance. So Cimorelli released this cover to help raise money so that Christina can live a normal life again.
You can donate to the fund HERE:
I found that each sister sung a part of the song that not only fit them vocally, but also as an individual. As you can tell, the lyrics are very powerful and unique and I thought that this fit the style of the girls very much.
Although one improvement I could have made to this video was the actual footage itself, I found that the video was a little bit plain and boring. I know and understand that these sisters have an incredibly busy lifestyle and finding time in their plan to make a music video is probably one of the hardest things, but I feel just small clips in a field put together isn't that much.
I am no professional, but I feel that maybe if the girls over a few days when they were in the studio took some clips of them recording, editing, chilling around and then between those clips filmed some basic lyrics singing clips in between.
You can watch Cimorellis Cover of Rise here:
I loved that this cover was to help a CimFam, which is why, if this blog post reaches 1,000 views I will personally donate $50 to Christine on her Go Fund Me Page.
Stay Strong <3
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Cimorelli European Tour - The Ultimate Guide
Sunday 4th September
So as we all know, Cimorelli second European Tour is soon approaching, and although it still seems like months away, there are only 61 days until the tour kicks off in Dublin! That is only two whole months! When seeing Cimorelli in concert you want it to be the most memorable experience. So in this blog post I am going to give you some tips and tricks on how to make seeing Cimorelli in concert one of the best experiences of your life...
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