Travel and Accommodation
Now of course this only applies to people who are travelling a longer distance to see the girls in concert, if you're lucky enough to have to girls perform in your city or town then you can by pass this section. But if you're like me and have to travel 220 miles to get to one concert then a further 400
miles to the next convert, you're going to need to book travel an accommodation.
Tip #1:
If you're booking tickets for a long journey that may cost a lot of money to go direct, try adding a stop in the middle, for example say if you're going from station 10 to station 20, check tickets for station 10 - 15, then from station 15 - 20! This can be a heck of a lot cheaper! I saved £25 on my train ticket from Glasgow to London just going via Crewe! It's definitely worth looking into.
Of course if you're travelling hundreds of miles to the concert then you will not be able to travel home after the concert so a hotel will be needed. I suggest going for the cheapest hotel that is fairly local to the venue. It's likely that during the day you will be hanging out with local fans and building friendships with them, and you will not return to the hotel until at least 11pm, so you only really need the hotel to sleep in meaning there is no point paying a large amount of money for a room you're going to sleep in.
Tip #2:
If there is a large amount of you going to one concert and you all need accommodation, look into a hostel, you can often get large rooms of 8-12 people for only £10-£30 a head! It saves so much money and you're in a huge room then surrounded by people you love!
Tickets and Times
By now you should have already bought your ticket if you're planning on going to the concert, if you haven't I suggest you look into buying you ticket as soon as possible before they sell out completely! As we know there are three different types of tickets:
- General Admission
- Platinum VIP
You want to make sure you get to the event with plenty of time to spare before the doors open to make sure that you don't miss anything! This also gives you time to meet other fans and help generate a buzz outside the venue!
Meet ad Greet

Then The second time I met Cimorelli at Gatwick airport in 2015, I thought I was prepared and knew what to expect, again I was wrong. I ended up in tears afterwards because I messed it up.
Some advice I would give is, stay calm, don't freak out, if you stay calm you will be able to talk to them without spilling tears all over the girls. You will have a memorable meet and greet with them that will be enjoyable.
I don't know how people can go into meet Cimorelli and have everything run smoothly! It is very unlikely that everything will go to plan, but if you enjoy the experience and have an amazing time then it doesn't really matter.
Tip #3:
The girls are super cool, they love meeting fans, they want to know all about you, they want to hug you and get to know you more! Just be yourself and you will have nothing to worry about.

If you want to buy them gifts then do some research, take some time to look into what they like, read their previous tweets, watch their snapchat stories, you want this to be meaningful and something they will probably use in the future. Gifts can be left until the very last minute to buy and all you need to do is go the shop and buy them something.

If you're ordering online, make sure you order it to arrive within plenty of time before you meet them. Give time for late arrival, or shipping delay.
I always give the girls something I have bought for them, a letter from me and something from the fans around the world, so like a fan book, or a book of letters. Just so that fans who have not been able to get tickets to meet Cimorelli still have the chance to give them something. Now, if you want to do a gift from the cimfam then you need to plan a head of time! I am starting to plan my fan gifts now as it gives me two months to collect things and put it all together before I give it to the girls.
There is noway you are going to be able to start something a week before you meet the girls and get input for the gift and have it created before meeting them and if you do then that must be a lot of hard work.
The Concert
It is highly likely that your concert will be standing, as they are usually small venues, they can get more people in without seating which means it can tend to become crowded with people trying to push to the front. One of the main things I would say if, don't push, if there are people in front of you then respect that and enjoy the concert. If you spend the whole concert trying to push through people to get to the front both you and the people around you are going to have a miserable time. So respect the people around you and you should be fine.
One main thing I would say if the front barrier is fun, don't try and force yourself in, if you stand behind two people you should be able to see between their heads and your view should be find, I can promise if you're stood behind me, you will be able to see find!
Ensure that throughout the day you stay hydrated as once it comes to the concert you are probably not going to want to move because you will definitely loose your spot, to eating plenty of food and drinking plenty of water throughout the day will give you the energy to get you through the concert without loosing your spot.
Tip #5:
Taking care of people around is also something I would encourage everyone to do, if you see someone near you that is alone and looking worried, or a little unwell, or nervous, approach them and ask if they are okay, if you can do anything to help. If someone you are with, or someone around you does need help, ensure you focus on them, and the worst thing you can do is complain because you will miss the concert, like they already feel bad enough that they are missing the concert, don't make things worse by rubbing it in.
Most importantly, have fun.
Alike me, I bet most of you are meeting fans while at the concerts. This can be one of the best things at about going to a Cimorelli concert is that all the fans come together like one big family. But if you are not going with a fan, don't be afraid to talk to people, if you see people in Cimorelli tops, comment on their tops, make conversation, you know you have at least one thing in common.
That is all I have for this blog post, if you are seeing Cimorelli in November, then I hope you have the best time and I may bump into some of you at Glasgow or London! Remember, the best thing you can do throughout the event is relax and have fun and I can assure you, everything will fall into place!
Stay Strong <3
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Friday 2nd September 2016
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