I Got M&G Tickets. When we Got into the Venue, we could see the Rest of the sound check and then we were able to meet the Girls.✨
First was Dani and she was super nice. She hugged me and then we took a selfie. After we talked a Bit, I went to Christina. We hugged and then she saw that I am wearing a new merchandise sweatshirt. She wanted to Take a Pic of me with her phone , but she could Not find her ,so she took One with Mine and I had to Send it via DM. After that we took a selfie and talked a Bit and I gave her my present. She was so Happy and gave me hug again❤
Next was Lauren she hugged me and then I asked her for a greet Video for my friend , who wanted to come with me to the Hamburg Show, but could Not come. I already asked her in Hamburg, but she did not speak, so yeah. We Made this One and took some selfies. Then we talked a Little Bit about some random stuff and the Hamburg Show.
Amy was next, we took some selfies and talked about the Hamburg Show and she told me that she could Not remember me completely. But she could remember my Face a Little. Lisa hugged me super Long and then we took a selfie and then we Talk and the last One was Kath. We talked a Little Bit about the Hamburg show and she said she could remember meπ She said she loves my Sweatshirt and hugged me again. Than we took selfies and talked again. So meet and greet was over.

P.s All the Girls asked me for my Name and tried to speak it out and pronounce it right.π
The Concert:
I stood in front row/ 2nd row. It was like a mix of both. During the Concert I cried a lot. But it was All Worth. The Girls Hold my hand so often and looked at me when I was crying. The Girls were so close to me. Christina looked so often in my Eyes, it was amazing. The fact , that they hold my hand during You're Worth it , gave me so much Hope✨
When I saw the Girls crying on stage, I started crying too. Especially when Christina and Dani cried, because they stood in front of me . This night was literally the best of my Life❣
The speeches of them are so inspiring and Motivational, they helped me a lot.
I have met so many people on the Concert, it is amazing. Meeting Cimorelli again, was my number One goal and I have met them twice this year. Both Concerts together gave me my Life Back , in the Moment I feel more alive than I have ever done. So you can say they changed me a lot.
These are my experiences. Hope that everyone will have the Chance to meet them one Day!❤
@hoeff_mausi on Twitter
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