Thursday 13 November 2014

Cimorelli: Renegade Music Video - Review

'All the criticisms starting getting to me, their opinions, their ideas, their words, their vision. Then I realised this is my life, I'm not going to waste my time trying to be something I'm not. I'm going to be fearless, I'm going to take control and I'm going to do it my way.' Christina opens with to the music video for Renegade.

The song was based around being who you wanted to be! Showing people what you can do and not what other people want you to do! Breaking free from those who want to control you and stop you from doing what you love! This has one of the strongest messages from the whole EP (apart from You're Worth It).

Throughout the video we see each of the girls struggling to write the songs that they want, perform how they want and even dress how they want. They are constantly being bombarded with strong demands on how they should look and act in front of people because they are representing a certain music group.

Represented by long black material coming from each sisters wrist Cimorelli are portrayed as puppets who have no control over what they do, as well as human sized cardboard boxes keeping them enclosed and unable to escape. Each sister is confined and miserable in the way that everything in working.

Towards the end of the video Cimorelli finally escape the control of their manager and become who they really are, which is six unique sisters who have fun singing their personal songs and being who they really are.

As this was the final video it was premièred on  Billboard before it was released on Vevo. This did cause confusion as many fans could not access the website because it was showing as 'Private' as well the video did crash throughout. Luckily the video will be on Vevo today and available to everyone.

You can watch the video now on Billboard by clicking here > Renegade Music Video

To see the the video now on Vevo! Watch below:

I personally really enjoyed the video as it was completely different to the rest, as well I felt like I hadn't seen anything like it before, the way the girls where portrayed was incredible and it really does show what these girls can do! I and really looking forward to the Christmas EP and cannot wait to see what the future brings for these girls!
Stay Strong <3

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