Thursday 6 November 2014

Cimorelli: You're Worth It - Music Video Review

I know, I am very late on the I Got You music video review and I should be writing that before this but I just cant help myself! I have been so excited for this music video for You're Worth It, so when I woke up to the video in my subscription box fair to say I let out a little squeal! This may be a long blog post so get comfortable!

First thing I have to say is that if you haven't seen the music video yet then make sure you have tissues near by because this is a real heart jerker! Now I am not one to cry at music videos or films or anything like that but this really did hit me hard! When I first heard the song I could feel the emotion and strength put into the lyrics and then watching the video a couple of months later just pulled it all together.

The base line to the song is basically not to think about your flaws, what people think about you or what someone has said to you! There are so many people in this world that are not confident with how they look or feel, even if its the smallest thing can hit them hard and this is not only girls but boys as well. Cimorelli basically tell you that it is all going to be okay and they they believe in you!

More of this is needed throughout bands today. Instead of singing about the things we all aim to be like 'skinny' with 'flawless skin' celebrities should sing about what really comes from the heart. Big bands are constantly in the public eye and their songs are played everywhere; radios, online, adverts, TV. There is no escaping it so shouldn't they be singing about something else and having young teens aspire to be something other than 'tall' 'skinny' and 'beautiful'.

I really think that Cimorelli have taken such a huge leap by writing this song. Not only does it point out the flaws that so many young people have today it also points out their own flaws. One example I like the best is Lauren. Many of you will know that she does have a crooked finger and she was constantly questioned on-line and receiving comments such as, 'what's wrong with your finger' 'that's weird' 'gross'. Now just because you have one small thing wrong with you that doesn't mean you are not perfect!

One thing that really hit me in this video was that Cimorelli has clips of themselves crying, breaking down. Now that is some confidence! I don't think I have ever seen any band do this, show the public that words hurt everyone, even celebrities. Just because Cimorelli are a huge band that are known all over the world that doesn't mean that negative comments wont hurt them!

These girls show that it is okay to cry, no one is happy and positive all of the time and no one expects you to be like that! Just because you don't feel like you are at you highest point doesn't mean you should put on a brave face and smile through it, everyone has those moments.

Not only does this song teach you that your flaws don't define you it also teaches that something you can say to someone online or offline may hurt them in so many ways that you don't understand! To you this could just be the smallest comment that could be a joke but to them it is the hardest thing they have to deal with and they hear it constantly.

If you haven't seen the music video then you can watch it below:

I asked on Twitter for you to tweet me some of your favourite lyrics that mean something to them from the song! Here are some of the ones that I received below!

@LouisetheCimFam  - More than labels more than pain, baby you're more than your mistakes

@musicofcim - There's so much in your head that nobody knows

@ProudOfThem78 - Baby youre perfect you diserve it when will you see what i see and realize you worth it

@thatgirl789567 - 'your not a burden, not a waste, not a copy can't be replaced'

Finally I would just like to congratulate Cimorelli on such an incredible EP that has become so popular in so many countries! Their music is becoming well known worldwide and I am happy they are giving a positive message in their music! Cimorelli have such a massive impact on young children and teenagers and I think that they are definitely giving the right message! Well done girls! Also don't forget You're Worth It!

Stay Strong <3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fabiola valle
Singer. YouTube