Cimorelli: Before Octobers Gone - Music Video Review
So this morning I awoke to the wonderful news that Cimorelli had released their music video for Before Octobers Gone, which is now available on the girls debut album Up At Night, which you can buy on iTunes here: Up At Night (hint, hint, you should buy it if you haven't). Over the past 5 months Cimorelli have released 8 music videos for songs on their new album, this includes Hearts On Fire, I Like It, Good Enough and many more.
Their latest one was Before Octobers Gone which is a song that I could consider one of my favourites from the album, and now the music video is out I am in my element. Normally I don't check YouTube before work as I never really have time but today was one of those VERY unusual days where I had a spare 10 minutes and decided to check what was currently in my YouTube subscriptions, and it was like fait, because there at the top was a Cimorelli Music Video!!
I feel that this song is one of the more deeply emotional songs, I mean we have all seen the videos of Dani Cimorelli crying last year on tour while performing this song. So I did not expect a huge performance for this music video. The basic, plain video allowed the lyrics to make more of an impact on the listener without them even realising.
Unlike a lot of other music videos from Cimorelli, this one was very plain with only basic colours, simple scenes and slow and little camera movement in scenes. Most people would see this as boring, but they are not seeing the passion that is going into singing this song and the emotion behind. If there was much more going on in the music video then I would not be able to appreciate the lyrics as much as I did.
I mean being a hard core Cimorelli fan, I have listened to the song hundreds of times before the music video was even created, never mind released. So it's easy enough for me to understand the lyrics and the emotion of the song. But I feel that watching the video along with listening to it you see the song who a whole other light.
You can see the pain, the heart break, the love and emotion that was once there for this boy tat moved on. It takes things to another level, it pulls on you heart in a different way to the song did originally, it makes you cry different tears, it's different. And I love that Cimorelli are doing this with their videos.
They're being daring, bold, unique and by making those moves they are producing exceptional music video that hundreds of thousands of fans are seeing on a daily basis. These videos are then being shown to friends, family, class members because it's something different, something to talk about, something to give people confidence around the world.
You can watch Cimorelli's Music Video for Before Octobers Gone below:
Cimorelli are taking the world by storm, and they're doing it in their own way with their own beliefs and values and I admire them so much for that. What they are doing is giving young people the courage that they need to be themselves, accept defeat, heartbreak, open up to close ones about how they feel. They are giving messages that many other celebrities wont cover because they're too scared, or the topic is too touchy.
Stay Strong <3
Latest Blog Post:
Cimorelli: The Truth Is...
Thursday 25th August 2016
"We like to pretend we have it all figured out.
We like to pretend we have any idea what is going on.
But the truth is... We don't.
The truth is, your stomach twisted into an anxious mess when he asks you to make it official.
1 comment:
the song is about Jonah Marais of Why Don't We
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