In April Cimorelli finally tour South America, little did we know that this was the start of Cimorelli's Up At Night World Tour. Although at this point the album was not officially released, the girls went ahead and performed most of the songs that would be released on the album during this tour.
On this leg of the tour Cimorelli went to places such as Chile, Argentina and Brazil.
May 18th - Debut Album Up At Night Released

This whopping 14 song album can now be found on many different platforms including Amazon and iTunes.
You can still download Up At Night here on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/up-at-night/id1114960957

July 1st - Life as Cimorelli
In summer 2015 Cimorelli released a kind of TV show on YouTube were the sisters had to make money through the summer in order to survive being home alone. This year the girls released something 100 times better than this. In July Cimorelli released their own Reality Show called Life As Cimorelli, were you could see the band in their every day lives tackling the jobs they do on a daily basis to run the band.
This was only released to the US so many fans world wide did not get the chance to see this series, although it can be found on YouTube accounts now to watch worldwide.

I am not 100% sure of the exact date, but during either September or October, Dani Cimorelli released 8 songs that either had not been heard at all, or only small snippets of the song had been heard. These songs were old versions so they were rough, or the songs would never be released officially.
The songs can still be heard on Dani Cimorellis sound cloud account here: https://soundcloud.com/danicim
4th November - European Tour Starts
During the month of November, Cimorelli tour on their European side of the World Tour, visiting never visited before countries and cities such as the Netherlands and France, but also going back to much loved cities such as the UK, Germany and Spain. This was the first tour that Cimorelli offered more than just a meet and great experience and because of the popularity of these tickets I think that Platinum VIP will be offered in the future.

Yes, that is right! Cimorelli released two albums in the space of 8 months. Similarly, this was released through a pledge campaign that has even more than the last one! The pledge campaign is still up and running so you can find of the items you want on there. Although at the moment the items from the pledge campaign have not been shipped and the fulfilment date is not until January 20th 2017.
So you can still go and get your items here, and with every item you purchase you get a free download of the album Alive! Order here: http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/cimorellialive

Along with their second album, Cimorelli are also released a book called Lessons Learned. Here you can find all the advice and guidance they wish they could give to every fan individually. Although this also comes on the pledge campaign, as the fulfilment date isn't till mid January the book isn't available to read.
Unknown - Cimorelli appear in Hope Springs Eternal Movie
Cimorelli appear in a new movie released in 2016 called Hope Springs Eternal, a movie about an 18 year old who finds herself in remission from end-stage cancer. The girls have small appearances in the film. I have yet to find the release date for this film, or a trailer, or the film itself. But This film has happened and it has been filmed.
Above are some of the main milestones Cimorelli hit this year, but there are some things that we may have missed such as the girls moved from California to Nashville. Did you also know that the girls released 12 music videos this year including Up At Night, Acid Rain and Headlights. Cimorelli also 10 cover videos on top of this!
So it seems like Cimorelli has had a crazy year and it looks like 2017 is going to be even bigger!
Stay Strong
Latest Blog Post:
Tuesday 20th December 2016
Cimorelli ALIVE - Out Now
The time has finally arrived of the release of Cimorelli’s second album Alive! The album has been seen across the fandom as a worship album, and after listening to all of the songs, it mainly is. But don’t let that put you off if you’re not religious because all of these songs are incredible!
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