A massive Happy New Year! It's that time for tea solutions and new beginnings. I have some New Years resolutions that I think I'm actually going to stick to this year, some being more personal than others. But one of the mains things I want to do this year is get a routine going on my blog, and by this I mean have posts planned out in advance, get one blog post written and posted at least once a week, keep track of everything done by cimorelli so I don't miss a thing.
To do this, I will be using my own 2017 Blog Planner, and that's what I'm going to show you in this blog post. Also you guys can then hold me too it if I fall out of sync and don't upload at least one blog post a week.

For my 2017 Planner, I bought an inspiring notebook that said "Do What You Love" on the front and created the pages that I would be using myself. This, I find for me, is the more fun menthol and it also makes me put time and effort into my planning meaning i probably won't give up as quick with the Resolutions. Also, this way I am able to customise and make any page my own and make it to suite my own needs and blog style.
The first double page of my 2017 planner is the yearly layout for 2017, this has all the dates, months and days for the year, I have circled each Sunday date with a black pen, I don't think I've mentioned yet that I will be posting weekly on a Sunday. Also by having this yearly spread I can colour code any extra blog posts that will be going up. For example, if cimorelli tour (which will be highly likely) I can circle any tour dates in say pink, to know that I'll have to post fan experiences from those days etc.

Following that, I have a more detailed list of every single Sunday for 2017, here I can list every blog post I have either written in the past or plan to write in the future. It's pretty empty at the moment because obviously 2017 has just started but I plan to fill up this list as the year goes on. As well as this, I can also keep track of whether I have written and uploaded my blog posts and also if I have uploaded them to the social media sites.
I also created a spare page for any extra blog posts I will be writing this year, because I feel that this is going to be a big year for cimorelli and I don't think that one blog post a week will quit cover it sometimes.
Cimorelli have been known for covering famous songs that are in the hits or just music they like at the moment, and as much as they haven't uploaded many YouTube covers now that they're releasing their own music, I feel that there will always be an element of the girls that will upload covers. So I have created a list for the covers they upload so I don't miss any reviews that I need to write.

If Cimorelli aren't touring or uploading covers, they're writing and producing new music or planning projects for the future, which means things can be pretty quiet. So this year I am making lists and keeping track of things that I can post onto my blog weekly. One of these things is quizzes, I posted a quiz a couple weeks ago of the cimorelli Christmas videos and a lot of you guys seemed to really enjoy it. So I thought I'd keep track of different quiz ideas so I am not stuck for ideas when it comes to the time of posting.

Now, if you know me well, I like to like and bullet and plan, so right at the back of my notebook if my to do list. I decided to put this at the back of the notebook because for me I will probably fill half of the notebook with my to do list, so I didn't want to guess how many pages I would need to keep formit. So I'm just going to work backwards, and use a binder clip to keep these pages together.
So this is all I have so far for my 2017 blog planner, it's simple and it's basic but I plan on adding to it throughout the year as my ideas grow. As I was writing this blog post I though of some page ideas that I could add into it. I am hoping this works out on trying to keep my blog together and running throughout the whole of 2017.
Stay Strong
Latest Blog Post:
Wednesday 28th December 2016
Cimorelli Look Back on 2016
Looking back, 2016 has been one of the most memorable years for the Cimorelli sisters! Releasing two albums, a first ever book, going on what was close enough to a world tour and as always posting covers and originals to their youtube channel. But these six sisters have been up to a lot more than what you may have seen this year! Let's take a look back at everything Cimorelli achieved this year!
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