Monday, 13 March 2017

Lisa Cimorelli Has Pink Hair

Lisa Cimorelli managed to shock the whole fandom with her hair again yesterday. Following the recent cutting of Lisas hair which went down to hair wait to having a short cut that just about reached her ears, Lisa has been continuing to do crazy things with her hair ever since.

Each hair cut her hair has been getting shorter and short and we all expected one day that she would come back completely bald. This excited some fans but terrified others. I for one wouldn't even know what to think if Lisa ever went bald because on part of me would think 'Yes go Lisa, you do what you want with your hair and slay everyone' but then the other part of me is thinking 'What if she doesn't suite it, she can't glue it back on.' But I spend too much of my time fearing for others, so you go Lisa.

But after another trip to the hair stylist yesterday, Lisa came back with her hair, but it was PINK. You heard me right, Lisa Cimorelli has dyed her hair a bright baby pink colour and I want to be the first to say SHE ABSOLITELY SLAYED IT. This girl has gone beyond boundaries with her hair and this latest instalment has left me amazed and speechless.

During the process, Lisa posted to both her snapchat and Instagram stories leaving fans eager to see what the outcome would be. The first photo that sent everyone into a crazy panic was that she was blonde. This girl even changed her BitMoji to a blonde haircut which messed with us all even more. Nobody expected the colour that was following this.

Every fan was excited to see Lisa going platinum blonde and honestly, she suited it. But after this experience I think she is a fabulous women who can pull of any hair style and colour she wants. Multiple pictures were posted of her with the what I assume to be bleach in her hair, and then the aftermath of her blond hair without the dye on it.

At this point, it was about 10pm in the UK and I was ready for bed, so I went to sleep knowing she was blonde and expecting to wake up and she would still be blonde. But boy I was wrong.

My usual morning routine consists of checking social media, as it does with any teenager. It starts with snapchat, then twitter and if I have time then a little bit of Instagram. But once I watched Lisa's snapchat I was forgetting about everything else and heading to twitter to see what I missed.





Previously, when Lisa cut her hair the trend started #CutForLisa, which fans that has decided to cut their hair short due to the confidence Lisa had given them would be able to post their photos and Lisa would be highly likely to see this photos. As expected, the hashtag #DyePinkHairForLisa has started. Although this is likely to be less popular than the previous one due to school rules and work rules, the trend is still going round with people who previously had pink hair now sending their amazing selfies to Lisa.

Lisa is on some crazy rampage with her hair and it's the best thing ever. I really cannot wait to see what comes next, I kind of want a metallic silver, or a lilac colour, or maybe she might even go bald, to get her natural hair colour back.

Stay Strong x

Latest Blog Post:

Monday 13th March 2017
Cimorelli: It Ain't Me - Cover Review 
After just over a week of Cimorelli releasing part of the track on their snapchat account, we finally saw the cover of It Ain't Me by Selena Gomez. Shocking, unlike many of the bands previous covers I actually knew this song before it was uploaded and it was one that I loved, therefor meaning I was incredible excited for the video

1 comment:

Sarah Kathuria said...

I think you don't have to be strong for cutting your hair. I am 13 tears old and I have a pixie cut since last year. Sometimes you are called a boy but its okay. People also question you a lot on why you did that.